<aside> ⚠️ This page has moved. Please visit the Interfolio page on the Provost’s website for up-to-date instructions.


This page has instructions for faculty review candidates to upload and submit their materials in Interfolio.

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact Janele Krzywicki or Daniele Holland.

A Quick Tour of Your Review Packet

The steps below will show you how to open your review packet in Interfolio and explore the main sections.

<aside> 💡 Your packet is your dossier, or portfolio. Interfolio calls these "packets."


<aside> 💡 Your case in Interfolio is your packet, plus documents and forms that other people (your department chair, external evaluators, etc.) add at subsequent steps of the process.



Uploading Documents to Your Packet

The steps below will show you how to upload documents to your review packet in Interfolio.

<aside> 💡 For more guidance on the individual documents required as part of your packet, see the Portfolio Checklists section of the Provost's RPT website.



Submitting Your Packet

The steps below will show you how to submit your review packet in Interfolio.
